(630) 492-0509 kyle@kyleeggleston.com

5 SEO Mistakes Made by “Experts”

It doesn’t matter the size of your website or how much you’re paying your SEO consultant or agency, mistakes are going to be made. Understanding common errors SEO professionals make will better equip you with the knowledge and questions needed to steer you...

Google’s Sense of Humor: “Recursion”

One of my friends updated his Facebook status and stated “To understand recursion, first you have to understand recursion”. Recursion is simply a repeated process, it’s used a lot in mathematics and sorting algorithms. Google’s engineers are...

Pigeon: Google’s Newest Algorithm Update

Google released a new update to their algorithm on July 25, 2014 – nicknamed Pigeon. The intention of the Pigeon algorithm update was to improve the local search results (a.k.a Google Maps results). Essentially, the Pigeon update takes into account the hundreds...